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10 AI Prompts Every Government Contractor Should Be Using

Every government contractor knows the headaches that come with the job — finding opportunities, reading through endless documents, tracking competitors, reaching the right decision-makers, keeping up with policy changes, drafting the perfect proposals, etc. These processes can be complex, time-consuming, and just plain exhausting.

We get it. (Really, we do.) GovTribe was founded by contractors who wanted a simpler, more efficient way to handle all of this. That’s where GovTribe AI comes in — easy-to-use, AI-powered tools designed specifically to streamline your workflow and take the stress out of your everyday tasks.

As Jay Hariani, Executive Vice President at GovExec, mentioned in a recent Authority Magazine interview, “We’ve developed complex prompts based on our team’s extensive knowledge of government contracting, enabling customers to answer critical business questions in minutes instead of hours.”

To help you get started, we’ve collected 10 AI prompts we think every government contractor should be using.

Go ahead and give them a try to see how they can simplify your workload. (Hint: Simply log in or start a free trial to try them for yourself.)

Opportunity Identification

Prompt #1: “Find open federal contract opportunities for [specific service or product].” This prompt makes it easy to quickly find contract opportunities that match what you offer. Instead of searching endlessly, it narrows things down so you can focus on what fits your business best. (Side note: With GovTribe, you can also set up saved search alerts and receive personalized recommendations, letting us bring opportunities directly to you.)

Prompt #2: "List federal grant opportunities for [specific research or project area]." If you're seeking funding for research or a project, this prompt pulls up grants that align with your goals. No more digging through endless listings — just a curated list of funding options that match what you're looking for.

Prompt #3: "Find subcontracting opportunities with prime contractors in [specific industry]." Looking to partner with a prime contractor or gain some subcontracting experience? This prompt helps you find the right subcontracting opportunities in your industry, cutting out the hassle and letting you focus on growing your business.

Prompt #4: "Find contract opportunities in my field related to year-end spending.” At the end of the fiscal year, agencies often have budgets they need to spend quickly. This prompt helps you identify those time-sensitive contracts in your field, so you can act fast and take advantage of these high-priority opportunities. (Check out our recent blog for more tips on utilizing year-end government spending.)

Competitor and Market Analysis

Prompt #5: "Find vendors similar to [specific company]." Want to know what your competition is up to? This prompt helps you find vendors similar to a company you're watching. It gives you insights into their capabilities, contract history, and performance so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Prompt #6: "Identify the predecessor contract for this opportunity." Knowing the history of a contract can be a game-changer. This prompt pulls up the predecessor contract, giving you details like who held it before, what the scope of work was, and what the agency prefers, helping you fine-tune your approach.

Prompt #7: "Find active contracts with similar scopes of work.” To stay competitive, it's key to know what similar contracts are out there. This prompt finds ongoing contracts with similar scopes of work, giving you a better understanding of market trends and helping you position your business strategically.

Strategic Planning and Relationship Building

Prompt #8: "Identify key decision-makers for contracts in [specific agency]." Knowing who the decision-makers are is crucial. This prompt helps you find the key people responsible for awarding contracts in a specific agency. With these insights, you can target your outreach, build the right relationships, and tailor your proposals to what they care about.

Prompt #9: "Analyze this contract opportunity and suggest potential teaming partners.” Teaming up with the right partners can give you an edge, especially on larger contracts. This prompt analyzes a contract and suggests potential teaming partners based on complementary skills and past performance, making it easier to build a strong team.

Policy and Risk Analysis

Prompt #10: "Analyze the impact of recent policy changes on [specific industry or service]." Regulations can change the game for your business. This prompt quickly analyzes how new policies affect your industry, helping you stay ahead of the curve and adjust your strategy as needed to remain competitive.

These 10 AI prompts are just the beginning.

GovTribe is leading the AI revolution in government contracting, and our AI capabilities go far beyond just a chat function. They’re woven throughout the entire platform, with features designed to make your life easier, like:

  • Intelligent Summaries: Quickly sift through contracts with AI-generated summaries that highlight the most important details.
  • Likely Bidders: Discover who’s most likely to bid on an opportunity.
  • Saved Searches: Set up saved searches to get alerted when opportunities that match your specific criteria pop up.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Let the right opportunities come directly to you, based on your past interests and activity.
  • Personas Search: Access detailed contact information and insights on key decision-makers tied to specific opportunities.

Now that’s enough from us — go ahead and give it a try.

Try Prompts Now

See what else is new in GovTribe

  • Manage your team’s federal capture and bids in one place with Pipelines.
  • Stay ahead of your competitors by learning about upcoming contracts in advance with Forecasts.
  • Explore detailed profiles of almost everyone involved in government contracting, from federal buyers to industry participants, with Profiles.